Quick Guide: What to Expect During a Vibroacoustic Therapy Session

Quick Guide: What to Expect During a Vibroacoustic Therapy Session

Vibroacoustic Sound Bed therapy is a revolutionary wellness experience that uses sound and vibration to bring harmony to your body, mind and soul. At Advanced Wellness, our approach combines state-of-the-art technology with soothing sensory techniques to deliver unparalleled relaxation and healing. Here’s a step-by-step guide to what you can expect during a vibroacoustic therapy session.

Step 1: Weightless Comfort

Your session begins as you settle into our Zero Gravity SoSound Lounger. This specially designed lounger helps alleviate pressure on your spine and hips, creating a sensation of complete weightlessness. As your body adjusts to this relaxed posture, you’ll feel tension start to melt away, setting the tone for deep relaxation.

Step 2: The Embrace of a Weighted Blanket

A 100% cotton weighted blanket is gently placed over you, mimicking the soothing effect of an embrace. This simple yet powerful addition calms your nervous system, helping to slow your heart rate and ease anxiety.

Step 3: Immersive Sensory Preparation

To enhance the experience, soft eye coverings and comfortable headphones are positioned. These create a cocoon-like environment, blocking out distractions and allowing you to focus solely on the sensations and sounds to come.


Step 4: The Magic of Sound and Vibration

Once you’re fully settled, the lounger begins to emit gentle vibrations in sync with acoustic sounds and music. As the vibrations resonate through your body, you’ll feel the sound not only in your ears but in every cell of your being. This acoustic resonance promotes profound relaxation, aligning your physical and emotional energy.

Step 5: The Benefits Unfold

As the session progresses, the combination of sound and vibration works its magic:

  • Muscles release tension, helping you feel lighter and more at ease.

  • Circulation improves, promoting better oxygen and nutrient flow throughout your body.

  • Blood pressure rebalances, contributing to overall cardiovascular health.

  • Clarity and creativity encouraged, unlocking new perspectives and ideas.

  • Enhances sleep and renewal, supporting your body’s natural restorative processes.

  • Decreases stress and pain, leaving you feeling calmer and more grounded.

  • Your mind enters a state of deep rest, fostering mental clarity and emotional balance.


Step 6: Emerge Refreshed

As the session concludes, you’ll gradually return to full awareness, feeling recharged and rejuvenated. Many clients describe the experience as a “reset” for their body, mind and spirit—ready to take on the day with renewed energy and calm.


Ready to Embark on Your Journey to Wellness?

Our Vibroacoustic Sound Bed sessions are designed to provide holistic healing through science-backed techniques and unparalleled comfort. Whether you’re seeking relief from stress, anxiety, chronic pain or simply looking to enhance your overall well-being, this therapy offers a transformative experience. 

The holiday season is an excellent time to take a break from the busyness, stresses and hectic moments to Rest and Restore YOU! This month, Choose our Holiday Special - 3 Wellness Services (Vibroacoustic Sound Bed, Infrared Sauna and Halotherapy Salt Lounge) for only $111 ($150 retail value) AND receive a $20 credit for a future wellness service.

Call Advanced Wellness to purchase our special or to schedule your Vibroacoustic Sound Bed session today at 770.253.5040.

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